The Jessa Salon and Spa Directory
Visit the contact page for all business information like booking appointments, location address, email, phone number, salon polices, etc.
Service Menu
Looking to see all the services offered by The Jessa Salon and Spa? Click here! You’ll be able to navigate all services from balayage to bridal and more!
Referral Program
Click here for all referral program and thank you offers!
Shop The Salon
You can purchase items from the salon and Jamie Jean Cosmetics. Need a custom order? Contact Jamie for a special order!
New Salon Updates
Current specials, promotions and any new updates listed here!
Hair Extension Care
All the info you need on how to care for those beautiful hair extensions! Have any other questions? You can email Jamie directly.
VIP Lounge
Welcome to the VIP digital lounge with exclusive news, info, beauty tutorials & updates!
A bit of info about Jamie, how she created Jamie Jean Beauty, The Jessa Salon and Spa, Jamie Jean Cosmetics, certifications, awards, etc.